New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Authors with significant names of  F

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A F (see: Aldred Farrer BARKER)

A F (see: Alan FIELD)

A C F (see: Caroline Augusta FRAZER)

A J F (see: Alexander Joseph FINBERG)

B C F (see: Charles Frederick BRIGGS)

C R L F (see: Charles Robert Leslie FLETCHER)

Christiane F (see: Vera Christiane FELSCHERINOW)

D L F (see: L G de LA FOLIE)

Miss, E F (see: Eliza FAIRBAIRN)

E R F (see: Ernest Robert (Foster) FITCH)

E T F (see: Edward Taylor FLETCHER)

F F (see: Francis FRANCIS)

G H F (see: Granville Hamilton FORBES)

J F (see: Joseph FIÉVÉE)

J F (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Verses [p|1917]

J E F (see: John Edward FRANCIS)

J F F (see: John Farquhar FRASER)

J F F (see: James Franklin FULLER)

Jas F (see: James Frank SULLIVAN)

H H F (see: Horace Howard FURNESS)

H N F (see: H N FORMAN)

M A F (see: Mary Ann FISHER)

M T F (see: Mae Munro FRANKING)

P F (see: Percival FROST, the Elder)

P E T F (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Two Friends.. [p|1916]

Ruth de B F (see: Ruth de Breanski FRIGOUT)

T F (see: Thomas FAWCUS)

V W F (see: Victor Wadham FORSTER)

W F (see: W E FOX)

W F (see: William FRASER)

W B F (see: William Bateman FAIRBAIRN)

W H F (see: Walter Howard FRERE)

W J F (see: William John FERRAR)

W J F (see: William John FITZPATRICK)